Knights of Columbus
District Master Robert Masse, Jr.

If you are over 18 years of age; a citizen of the country in which you reside; a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See; and you are a Third Degree member in good standing, it’s time to consider joining the ranks of the Fourth Degree. To learn more about the Patriotic Degree and how to join its ranks, contact your local Council, the Vice Supreme Master in your area, or the Supreme council today.
Build a Prospect List
Before you consider HOW to recruit, you must address the question of WHOM to recruit. There are many eligible members who would enjoy participating in the patriotic programs and activities of the Patriotic Degree. Identifying them is easier than you think.
Acquire a roster of eligible members from the financial secretaries of the councils affiliated with the assembly.
Target all local priests who are members of the Order.
Target veterans, policemen, and firemen who are members of the Order as prospects.
Target fathers, sons, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, grandparents, grandsons who are members of the Order.
Advertise regularly in council bulletins, inviting qualified prospects to contact assembly membership committee about joining.
Use your imagination. New Sir Knights are all around you.
By clicking this link and emailing District Master Robert "Bob" Masse, Jr., MAKE A DIFFERENCE
download the PDF Form-4 now and email it to
Appoint a Fourth Degree Liaison
The only real source of new members that your assembly can draw from is that of the local council. That is why it is imperative that your assembly is visible to those prospect Sir Knights in your area.
One way to make your assembly more visible is to appoint a Patriotic Degree liaison, or representative within each local council assigned to the assembly.
The liaison can answer any questions they may have during a meeting and encourage Third Degree members to join the Patriotic Degree. Here are the steps to appointing a liaison:
The faithful navigator should review the roster of each council and identify those members who are proven recruiters, sales oriented and who know the Patriotic Degree quite well.
Notify the local grand knight that the liaison will attend council meetings as a representative of the assembly, to update members: on assembly events, activities, Patriotic Degree membership, future scheduled exemplification dates, and answer any questions.
Be sure that the liaison has ample supply of Patriotic Degree promotional flyers and Membership Documents (#4).
Conduct an Invitation Program
The Patriotic Degree Membership Recruitment Invitation is a tool for making initial contact with eligible prospects. It is effective when used in tandem with personal follow-up that stresses the patriotic aspect of membership in the Patriotic Degree.
Order a supply of Patriotic Degree Membership Invitations (#2412) and envelopes or create your own invitation.
Send invitations personally signed by the faithful navigator, to prospective Sir Knights.
Telephone the prospective Sir Knight within one week of mailing invitation, to arrange a home visit by assembly members.
Review materials - "A Call to Patriotism" flyer (#4135), assembly newsletter, etc.
Inform the prospect and his wife of the date and program of the exemplification and explain all their financial obligations.
Ask the prospective Sir Knight to JOIN the Patriotic Degree.
Answer any questions that prospective members or their wives may have.
Follow through with attendance at the exemplification; ad to future assembly meetings and programs.
Organize Your Membership Committee
The first and perhaps most important step in setting up a successful membership program in your assembly is organization.
Appoint a Sir Knight to coordinate and oversee all membership programs and activities for the assembly.
Appoint additional Sir Knights to serve on committee for promoting membership growth.
Obtain dates for scheduled exemplifications from the master, to set goals and plan specific recruitment promotions and activities.
Identify and schedule recruitment methods that best suit assembly's needs and goals - council drives, open houses, invitation programs, team recruiting, etc.
Assign a Sir Knight to each council that the assembly represents, to serve as liaison, to promote the activities of the assembly and membership into the Patriotic Degree.
Involve the entire assembly. Encourage assembly to assist by identifying prospective members.
Conduct an Open House
Before or after a council meeting is an ideal time to hold a Patriotic Degree Open House to reach your audience of prospective Sir Knights. The success of your Open House is dependent on carefully planning and carrying out each of the following steps.
Appoint a committee to organize, set the date and time of the event. Publicize in local council newsletters.
Order quantities of these materials in advance - Membership Document (#4), the new Introduction to the Patriotic Degree (#4544) and the A Message for Knights who Want More (#4135) flyers, and the Take Your Membership to New Heights poster (#4136).
Prepare table top displays highlighting assembly activities and Patriotic Degree principles; include handouts and copies of assembly newsletter.
Have Sir Knights in regalia on hand to describe the color corps and benefits of membership in the Patriotic Degree.
Schedule a question and answer session to further explain the assembly and the Patriotic Degree.
Have pens on hand and assist prospects in completing Membership Documents (#4).
Conclude with refreshments and a brief social.